The method of ejection is interesting. Cutter, what repro gun is that in the pic you posted? Hard to see in the picture but it looks like the pan has the customary groove cut around it also, for a ejector finger, just like the RGG design. This brings a question up, maybe that relief isn\'t for ejection but rather for feeding... so that the rim drops down enough so the extractor hook goes over the cartridge rim, I wonder.... More commonly know as controlled feed vs push feed in the rifle world.
Could be wrong, but I believe this ejection method relies on the extractor spring pressure and travel to push the rim down into that relief cut/edge. Not that its a problem, just have to make sure the extractor has sufficient travel.
Lastly, if the replica gun pictured is a true replica, then one of the original guns must have had this feature also, I wonder which model?