I received a PM from Steelcrafter asking for information about the cam modifications.
I am going to post my reply here as some one else may be interested.
I had plan to give more information and pictures when I progress to making the cams.
I have read your posts.
I can not locate my notes on the cam modifications.
Yes, it does make a difference in the amount of torque
on the crank handle and the smoothness of the travel.
The purpose is to eliminate the abrupt change in direction
when the lug hits the cam.
The plans call for moving one hole on the dividing head
and 0.005 on the table to produce a 45 angle.
I started plunging at the entry groove.
I moved the head one hole and the table 0.001 for several
holes, then 0.002 for several holes, 0.003, then 0.004, and
then 0.005. This created a curved slope on the cam instead
of the abrupt angle.
I will keep looking for my notes.
Hope this helps.