Well I haven\'t posted any progress reports for quite awhile and that is mainly because I have done much more on my Gat build.
It seems that I caught a bit of a bug and haven\'t been able to work on the project. Unfortunately this bug I caught is quite serious and results in the loss of sleep and makes it difficult to keep your mind focused on anything else. There is no cure for this bug so I just need to let it run it\'s course. It also can be quite draining to your finances. No..... it\'s not marriage.
Some of you might be all too familiar with this bug already. It\'s called the \"Belt-Fed Bug\" . LMAO :lol:
It is quite contagious, so be careful. You build one and you imdediatley want to build another one. You have been warned. HEHEHE
I had the chance to buy a 1919a4 kit,...... so I did. It is now done, but I found myself wanting to build another one,.......so I am. This time it will be a C5A1.
I hope to get back to work on my Gat. in the summer or perhaps the fall.