Author Topic: Anyone ever shoot an Anderson Guncraft gun?  (Read 2884 times)

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Anyone ever shoot an Anderson Guncraft gun?
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:09:33 PM »
I\'ve had the privilege of shooting two Anderson made Gats.

The first one I shot was a 45-70 Gat. I\'m not sure of the model but I shot it at the \"End of the Trails\" (SASS) annual shoot/get together back in the 1980\'s down in Cota de Casa in Cali.

The funny thing is the guy was trying to pass it off as an authentic 19th Century gun! :o  LOL. Still the gun was great. At the time I didn\'t know who or what an Anderson gun was. I just knew it wasn\'t 100 years old. ;)

Years later I was able to shoot blanks is an Anderson gun at the Dickens Festival in Down Town Riverside Ca. The guys manning the gun were dressed like British sailors with a detachment of Redcoats from the Zulu wars of the 19th Century. The gun wast the most beautiful guns I\'ve ever held/shot. Craftsman ship left nothing to be desire.

The gun was in 7.62 Nato of all things. The gun crew told me the do all kinds of reenactments all over America and the world. At one point they went to England while the gun was chambered in 30-40 Craig. Guess what? They couldn\'t find any ammo anywhere in England! Once they got back, they had the gun re chambered into 308 so there would never be an ammo shortage again! LOL!
