You can find the cam dimensions on the Box Cam drawing, just a bit indirectly. Note the .825 dimension in Sec B-B, that refers to the 0 degree, or TDC position. The linear delta between TDC and BDC is shown on the cam path view, at 1.175. If you add 1.175 to .825, you come up with the nominal BDC length of 2.000\". This could also be shown in Sec B-B at the bottom of the part (BDC). Let us know what your length at BDC of the box cam is.
Also, I found the easiest way to see what was going on is to take the Recoil Plate Assembly with the rear half of the box cam out of the breech casing, and take a bolt by hand, guiding it around the path. It won\'t be perfect, but it will help you see if you have any major issues.