motorbikes, no. Have not been on a motorbike in over 5 years. Owned and rode a few but not for a while.
Saw that you are also a newbe on the Gatling Gun build site also. Best of Luck to you.
I\'m meeting with a few of the others folks in our local build group today (Sunday) and going to the shop we are using and seeing if we can make some plans for build a few Gats in 2014. Group is up to 4 folks so far. Some of us have a few tools at home also. Best thing is a nice master shop with lots of equipment. I\'ll try to post a little bit more about our group later this week.
Well hope that everyone has a good safe upcoming Thanksgiving Week and that we remember the reason for this season, not just BlackFriday.
Family, friends and Thanksgiving. Enjoy. We are blessed in the fact that we can look at and work on such things as Gatling Gun builds and not have to spend each minute trying to stay alive raising food and fighting whatever.
God Bless the Men and Women in Uniform that protect our Country and home and overseas.
Later 42rocker