Author Topic: Open Message to "Guests"  (Read 4908 times)

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Open Message to "Guests"
« on: January 31, 2011, 12:04:21 AM »
I visit the Forum several times a day and usually look at \"Who Is On Line\". Many times there are some number of Guests. Unfortunately, some times these are \"Spam Bot\'s\" or people trying to join just to post irratating Spam. In the past weeks the number of Spam attacks on the Forum has increased at an incredible rate. As a result the Forum will now verify membership before allowing someone to join but this is really no big deal, just might take a few hours or a day at the outside.

At the same time there are many \"Guests\" on the Forum that appear to be legitimate. You can see that these people have navigated down into a topic and are reading a specific post within it. To these people, whether here by curiosity or through an interest in the subject, I encourage you to JOIN AND PARTICIPATE. An e-mail to an administrator can help speed the process.

There is a very strong core of people on this forum with an amazing amount of knowledge and experience coupled with a willingness to help. By joining you help the Forum grow and become even stronger.


Edit, I have to go through every new sign up, one by one. If you do not get a confirmation email in a day or two please e-mail me or Dave