Author Topic: Just started my RGG.  (Read 1333 times)

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Just started my RGG.
« on: June 26, 2011, 06:39:01 PM »
Hi, I\'m new to the forum, but I\'ve been lurking for about a year. I\'ve been a machinist about 24 years and have finally collected some equipment for my home shop.
 I began work on my carrier block recently, and not having a rotary table here I did the trig for the bolt pattern to drill and bore the .420 and .280 bores. I then made up a simple indexing fixture with a 3/8\" shoulder bolt and a .420 pin to mill the 10 flats.

The hole cooridantes from center are below if anyone can use them.
1. X.0 Y1.0
2. X.588 Y.809
3. X.951 Y .309
4. X.951 Y-.309
5. X.588 Y-.809
6. X.0 Y-1.0
7. X-.588 Y-.809
8. X-.951 Y-.309
9. X-.951 Y.309
10. X-.588 Y.809